Marico BR Governance Framework, Directors and Executive Team
Managing the Marico for the future

Marico BR’s Driving Force
The majority of the land within the Marico Biosphere Reserve is privately or communally owned. The Marico Biosphere Reserve Management Authority (NPO 2019/091751/08) was established to manage the Core, Buffer and Transition zones of the Marico BR. A Board of Directors comprising of private and communal landowners and institutions is assisted by an Advisory Board that includes scientists and experts from tertiary and research institutions (Marico BR, n.d.).
Our Directors

Pastor Piet Thlabanyane
Chairperson - Marico BR Management Authority
Pastor Piet has come a long way with Marico River Conservation Association and was involved with the biosphere reserve application right from the start. He is also an important link to the Provincial Government. He acts as the Chairperson of the Management Authority.

Daan van der Merwe
CEO - Marico BR / Chairperson - Marico River Conservation Association (MRCA)
Daan is CEO of the Marico BR and Chairperson of Marico River Conservation Association (MRCA), which acts as the implementing agent of the Marico BR. He was leading the initiative for the declaration of the Marico Protected Environment as well as the Marico Biosphere Reserve. He is a landowner in the Core area.

Jack Rossouw
Chairperson - Marico BR EXCO
Jack is Chairperson of the EXCO of the Marico BR. He is a landowner and game farmer in the Marico BR. His land features an artesian eye (well). The water from the eye won a gold medal on the bi-annual International Water Tasting Competition in China in 2017. The design won the gold as well. He is a member of the Ottoshoop Community Development Forum. Click here for more info.

Kgosi Eddie Mabalane
Kgosi Mabalane’s role as the Royal Leader of Baphiring Traditional Authority is to uphold the Customs and Traditions of his Nation. He also oversees the basic administration of the Tribal Office as The Chairperson of the Traditional Council, where they provide leadership in every governmental department. Additional responsibilities include serving in government boards (Freedom Park-World Heritage Site, Provincial Anti-Corruption Forum, Bojanala Municipality, Jst Hospital Board, North West House Of Traditional Leaders, Remdec, Contralesa Provincial Chairperson). This provides a platform to advise accordingly with the expertise and experience he has gained in his 10 years reign as a King.

Kgosi Godfrey Ramosethlo Gasebone
Member - Marico BR Management Authority
He is Kgosi/Traditional leader in the traditional community of Bakwena ba Modimosana ba Morare ba Matlhako in Tampostad village commonly known as Pella. Pella is situated to the north of Groot Marico town.
The history of the Groot Marico dam, which is next to Pella, and its naturality confirms that our area too is full of natural resources which needs to be taken care of hence Kgosi Gasebone is a member of the Marico BR Management Authority.

Dr Hector Magome
Dr Hector is a natural scientist and conservationist and served on the North West Parks Board as a Director. He is also a private landowner in the Marico BR.

Wilhelm Rocher
Wilhelm is a landowner in the Marico BR and a leader in his community and the agricultural environment.