Since 2010, we have led the effort to permanently protect the upper reaches of the Marico River. Legal protection was granted, consequently we are now able to expand to the broader Dolomitic Aquifer System of the North West Province of South Africa.
This culminated into the designation of the Marico Biosphere Reserve (Marico BR) on 25 July 2018 by UNESCO’s ‘Man and the Biosphere’ management.
By harnessing the underlying environmental, human and economic potential of the area, we create, communicate and deliver sustainable integrated value to our designated natural environment, focus groups, and society at large.
The Marico Biosphere Reserve is comprised of a freshwater system that includes the Molemane, Molopo, and Marico river systems, and forms part of the broader Dolomitic Aquifer System of the North West Province (UNESCO 2018). The Groot-Marico and Molemane rivers feed into the Limpopo river which provides water for people in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and Mozambique. The Molopo feeds into the Orange river and the Southern aquifers supply water to the Lichtenburg wetland system that feeds into the Harts river and then into the Vaal river.

Our responsibilities
Marico Biosphere Reserve has a great responsibility towards the quality and quantity of water in SA.

The magic of the marico
The Marico Biosphere Reserve area covers a diverse mosaic of landscapes.

Diverse Habitats
The Marico region is a mosaic of ecological systems and their interlinked species.

Explore the wonders of unspoiled nature. It is this natural asset that makes the region attractive to tourists.